2016 Volnay les Pitures Vincent Girardin

2016 Volnay les Pitures Vincent Girardin
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45 years old
The vines are located in the village of Volnay, the plot is located south of the village of Volnay, near Pommard, next to the famous Clos des Ducs. Soil: Hard limestone on the bottom and marly limestone above. The ground is quite cold and composed of clay and heavy limestone. Pruning is done in Guyot with various green work (disbudding, trellising, topping).

Manual harvesting, sorting on stocks then sorting on a sorting table (depending on certain years, use of an optical sorter) in the winery.

The grapes after light crushing and destemming are placed in stainless steel vats. A small portion of whole harvest may be incorporated depending on the state of the raw material. After cold maceration for a few days, the active phase of fermentation takes place with temperature control. During this phase we practice pumping over and/or pigeage. After pneumatic pressing, the wines are placed in barrels (about 30% new wood) where the aging takes place. This lasted 15 months, during which time the malolactic fermentation took place. One month before bottling, the wine from the different barrels is assembled in vats. No fining and a light lenticular filtration before bottling. Some changes to the overall technique can be made depending on the vintage. Bottling is done according to the lunar calendar.
It accompanies fine roasted red meats (cutlets or shoulders of sheep, hare with cherries, etc.) and mature cheeses. Serve at 14°C.